Friday, March 4, 2011

Woah, Austin!

Just read that Austin reported a 92% save rate.  The cynic in me immediately wonders if numbers were fudged, or if that only pertains to certain shelters, or how that works, but the optimist in me wants to be pretty gosh-darned impressed.  I've always been amazed that Corsicana can hold their animals for 60 days each (ours has a much less glorious reputation, just not gonna go there), but I guess now I need to start paying more attention to Austin!

Does the live animal rate include transfers, maybe?  Is it just the Austin Animal Center?  Or are they just awesome?  Let me know if you know!

I've been heading up there every couple of weeks for my dog's surgery followups (she had her leg repaired at the Animal Trustees).  While no low-cost clinic attractive option, the one thing I do absolutely approve of is the proactive take against dog fighting.  They make reporting simple, easy, and anonymous, and there's even incentive.  While I worry this might encourage persecution of certain breeds, I'm glad to see more than what our town does - put ever pittie that comes into the humane shelter down because they don't want the liability of adopting to potential fighters.

It seems like a lot of the people there seem to care about the animals, but I live in a college town, too, and one of the lesser known side effects is a seasonal dumping of pets students can't take home.  So I just wonder, is all.  If you live in Austin or know anything about it's rescue network, feel free to leave me a comment and share!

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